After five and half years of cruising around on the HR Racing wheels that were temporary wheels I've finally made the move to a set that will be more permanent. The boys down at Ozzy Tyres who did the Volvo C70 told me to bring down the 242 to see what we can do.
It took about 60 seconds to decide on the rims, a pair of 19" stance wheels, black inside, chrome lipped, and they even have the look of the 850 T5-R rims with that five spoke design. So after deciding on these we had to get them drilled to.
Fast forward a couple of days later and we're ready for fitting. I also took the opportunity to talk to Ahmed about a brake upgrade, although he was of the opinion that the brake system on the 240 Volvo's was already pretty good and I wouldnt have to worry about anything, he is right, even after the engine change, it still stops pretty effortlessly.
By the time I got there, the guys had already fit the tyres and balanced etc. It was just a matter of bolting the suckers on, and this time no drama with wheel nuts, or less drama, after a little trialing they found the size, however didn't have any lock nuts to suit, I'll get those at a later stage, as the car is locked in the garage it's much less of a danger nowadays.
As soon as the wheels were on you could see a massive difference, 'Hectic', 'Sick', 'Hawt' and 'Wicked' were some of the adjectives used by myself, a couple of fellow customers and the boys at Ozzy. Even driving out of the workshop I got a few comments.
I'm really happy with the way it turned out, after all these years I've finally got a set of rims on the beast that I'd consider end game, I'll definitely enjoy the cruising just that little bit more.
Yes its true, there's some wheels on the beast. After months and months of checking out different possibilities and pretty much always finding out that nothing was going to fit the beast I was starting to really lose patience.
I've ended up going with a mob up at Sefton, AGR wheels, they had a set of 17" wheels that would fit the 242 without spacers, so after going up and checking them out, I decided to settle on them.
Above is at AGR, putting the rims up against the car definitely sold me on them, they look reasonably good, and considering the difficulty in getting other rims, and the expense of custom ones, I think the right decision was made.
As with all things on this 242, nothing was easy. Apparently the nuts were on so tight that they had to end up using the truck gun to get them off, the dude above using it wasn't happy, going off at me for them being too tight lol.
Above are a few shots I took after they've been on for a couple of weeks. I said earlier that I thought the right decision had been made with them, but since then they have grown on me more, and I know the right decision was made. Even though they are 17" they look small on the car coz it's quite a big 2 door.
Anyway, that's the rim situation sorted. Hopefully won't have to worry about this for a long time.